This website is provided by the Western Australian Genealogical Society (WAGS) as a service to the public and the specifically for descendants of the 11th Battalion A.I.F.
It is dedicated to the memory of all of the men of the 11th Battalion irrespective of whether they appear in the Khufu / Cheops pyramid photo.
The time taken to research and provide information, data and images plus this website is undertaken by WAGS volunteers.
Some descendants have suggested that they would like to make a donation towards the WAGS 11th battalion project. To this end we have provided a link below.
This link will take you to the WAGS main website shop section where you can make a donation, the amount is your choice.
All donations to the WAGS 11th Battalion Project will be specifically used by WAGS to offset costs incurred by WAGS 11Bn Project.
Thank you for your donations.
WAGS 11th Battalion Project Team.