Cheops photo myths - Fact or Fiction?

Myth 6 - Cheops ID# 406 and ID# 407 Not handcuffed together - Myth DebunkedDebunking the Myths about the 11th Battalion Cheops Photo

Myths 5 to 8

For details of other myths go here: Debunking the Cheops Photo Myths

These 4 Myths have been around for too long – time to go….    

Cheops photo myths - Fact or Fiction?

Myth 2 - Soldier on top left may be some what relaxed, but is very much alive when the photo was taken. Myth debunked.Debunking the Myths about the 11th Battalion Cheops Photo

Myths 1 to 4

These 4 Myths have been around for along time - time for them to go....

For details of other myths go here: Debunking the Cheops Photo Myths


Fact or Fiction?

Debunking the Myths about the 11th Battalion Cheops Photo.

Myth 4 - Not all soldiers with arms crossed are married

For too many years there has been all sorts of urban myths about the “Men on the Pyramid” photo.

Some of these myths have been perpetuated by people who should know better, such as retailers of the 11th Battalion Cheops photo who continue to put a docket in a pouch on the back of the framed photo citing the “dead man myth”, and yet others who don’t know any better but are willing to spread the rumours for the joy of it.

The photo below is a good example of what some retailers have been doing.