Men in row F - ID #'s 306 to 349 (44 men)
Thumbnail images of the 44 soldiers in row F are shown below.
12 identified, 8 verified, 4 to be confirmed; 4 known to have died as a result of their service, including 3 at Gallipoli **
If you know any of the men in these photos, please send your details and a supporting image by email to Chris or Julie at:
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Names will be added as they are identified.
Click here to go the Photo ID & Grid page
Row F - Soldiers Identified
Photo ID#
Grid #
Given Name
Service Number
Enlist Rank
Enlist Coy
310 F-4 Truran Herbert Spencer 488 Pte D 319 F-6 ** Hobbs William 312 Pte C 321 F-7 Turner Benjamin (Bandy) 365 Pte C 322 F-7 Weatherburn James 369 Pte C 324 F-8 Guthrie Henry David 44 Pte A 331 F-11 Rochfort Frank 474 Pte MGs 334 F-13 Rae Harvey George 1049 Pte B 335 F-14 Arnot Frederick Noel Gilkerson 510 Pte E 336 F-17 Goodlet Walter William 909 Pte H-Sb 340 F-18 Combs George Frederick Sutton 525 L/Cpl E-Sb 341 F-18 ** Adcock Frederick Brenchley 1044 Pte D 343 F-18 ** Adcock Frank Henry Burton 394 Pte D
The thumbnail images shown here have been taken from the Cheops photo. Some of the thumbnail images on this page may have been digitally altered to remove blemishes that appear in the original Cheops Pyramid photo. Some of these blemishes are the result of wear and tear or spillage. Minor alterations may have been made in an endeavour to make the images clearer.
Row F - Head crop thunbnails